Vertical Pi1541 Hat for Raspberry Pi Zero


5 in stock



New version with 7406 hex inverter and piezzo buzzer now available! Option B of Pi1541 is now supported.

This is my own design of Pi1541 vertical hat for Raspberry Pi Zero 1 and 2.

The board is professionally SMT-assembled. Discrete level shifter is integrated on the board.

My board and cable has support for SRQ. SRQ is used by Commodore 128 for selected drives for faster transfer speeds. Pi1541-firmware doesn’t have support for SRQ as of yet but if the support is implemented in the future my hat is ready for it.

You can use my Cassette Port USB Power Adapter to power this.


The hat with blue OLED-screen.
Spacers, screws and nuts to secure the board to Raspberry Pi Zero.
60 cm IEC-cable.

The function of the reset button depends on what revision of C64 motherboard you have. The so called “long boards” (Assy 326298, 250407, 250425, 250466) have bidirectional reset line so pressing the reset on the hat will reset the C64.

Assy 250469 – called the “short board” only has unidirectional reset line so pressing the reset will only reset the IEC line and not the C64. Otherwise Pi1541 works the same with all C64 motherboard revisions.

Downloads for preconfigured software for RPi Zero 1 and 2. Just extract the to root of SD-card and you are good to go. Piezzo buzzer is enabled by default.

RPi Zero 1 has a base clock of 1 GHz. Overclock to 1.1 GHz is required for Pi1541 and preconfigured software here overclocks the RPi Zero to 1.1 GHz. It may not be enough for some fastloaders. If the loader of Ghosts’n Goblins Arcade or Commando Arcade crash you need to overclock RPi Zero more. Open options.txt and change the arm_freq=1100 line to 1150. If the loader still crash try 1200. Please nore that at 1200 MHz RPi Zero 1 starts to run very hot and installing a heatsink is highly recommended. RPi Zero 2 has a four core cpu and doesn’t have this issue.

Make sure that the memory card is formated as FAT32, Some memory cards larger than 32GB come preformated as exFAT and RPi can’t boot form exFAT partition.

Preconfigured software for Raspberry Pi Zero 1

Preconfigured software for Raspberry Pi Zero 2

One of my customer designed a case for this (Thanks William!) Here is the STL-file if you want to print your own. I don’t sell ready made cases because it’s not my design.

If you previously bought the version that supports only Option A you can download the preconfigured software from here.

Additional information

Weight 50 g